Sèneca 8
We are taking a step beyond and we are developing our project with Radical Transparency.

The transformation of our project spins around Sèneca 8 which is the name of our Workspace located in the centre of Barcelona.
The most significant part of this space is certainly the Workshop. We are thrilled to design clothes and have them sewn 10 steps away from us. All of them, without any exceptions, are In-House made garments.
In the Workshop space, we have our own machinery and, all the production process is done by the employees of our company.
When manufacturing this way, there is no possible gap for tricks, it is the most Radical way to develop Transparency.
In the way we understand sustainability, facts are a lot more powerful than words, and we certainly choose The Facts.

We highly value the idea of promoting contact between the people who make our garments and the people who wear them.
We understand sustainability as a fully holistic and integral concept. Besides, regarding environmental and social issues, we think that sustainability also embeds emotional aspects.
“The very nature of how we work and live, is always in constant transformation.”
Our Studio is a place of inspiration, work, and of personal and professional growth. A place to enjoy the pleasure of beauty in all of its dimensions.